Four Motivations to Fight Against Sin
Sin is our greatest enemy, and if we do not strike at the first rising of sin in our hearts, then sin will most assuredly grow. This is easier said than done. It is hard and difficult work to fight against sin. It is draining and exhausting to fight against sin. The fight against sin is a life-long and treacherous endeavor. The world is working against us. The things in the world are working against us. The world, and the allurements and attractions of this world, are constantly waging war against us. The desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life are constantly picking away at our defenses. These are constantly on the lookout for our weakness, and through cunning and guile, they seek to befriend us but lead us far away from the Lord God. For as long as we live, sin will continue to rage against us. Sin will not sleep, it will not slumber, it will not rest, it will not relent. Sin will stalk us to our very last breath. So, how are we to fight this battle against sin? How do we stay strong in the faith? How do we prepare ourselves for this battle and stay alert in times of great temptation? How do we keep ourselves motivated to fight this ongoing battle? Building off of the previous passage, in 1 Peter 4:1-6, Peter provides for us four motivations that will help encourage us to persevere and continue our fight against sin.