The Subtle but Serious Danger of Legalism

Aug 7, 2022    Dr. Lars Larson

For some weeks our associate pastor, Jason Austin, has been faithfully preaching on the law of God as set forth in the Ten Commandments. He has emphasized the abiding authority of the moral law for Christians and has shown how we are to understand and apply God’s law to our lives. In doing so, he has rightly stated a number of times that we are not under the law of God as a covenant of works, but that we are under the law of God unto Christ in the covenant of grace. This is a very important matter, which must be understood and maintained by each of us. Whether or not one is right on this will reveal whether he holds to the biblical gospel of salvation by the grace of God or he has abandoned the true gospel for another, that is, a false gospel. I wish to clarify and expound on these matters today. Related to this, we will consider the nature and distinction of the two great dangers to the biblical doctrine of the grace of God, which are antinomianism and legalism. In doing so we will be attentive to the subtle manner that true believers can be deceived and diverted in their thinking about these matters as well as the spiritual consequences of doing so.