The Fall of Man into Sin

Oct 17, 2021    Dr. Lars Larson

In the five previous Sundays in which we have addressed this subject, “Our Biblical Worldview,” we have given our attention primarily to God’s initial work of creation and what it reveals about God and us, the people He created. And so, we have given a fair degree of our focus on the opening chapters of Genesis and had thought of moving elsewhere, but then realized that we should address in some detail the entrance and nature of sin into God’s good world. This is certainly a central component of a biblical worldview. The problems that this world is having, the problems that each of us are having, stems from the root of this first sin of Adam, that is first recorded in the third chapter of Genesis. In this passage we may learn much about the tempter who would lead us into sin, of the nature of temptation to sin, and of the causes and effects of sin itself once committed.