Biblical Sexuality and Salvation
There is a subject that has become a great point of disagreement and even hostility between the culture of the world and biblical worldview that we espouse and attempt to proclaim and maintain. This is in the arena of determining sexual identity and what defines sexual sin. Not many decades past the western world held the same beliefs and convictions about these matters with the Christian world, but in recent years the world has departed from its former standards of sexual identity and morality. Whereas biblically centered Christians have maintained and promoted biblical sexual identity and morality, the world has embraced and promoted what the Word of God declares to be dark, sinful, and destructive beliefs and practices. The result has been increasing hostility of the world against Christians who teach and promote biblical morality, biblical marriage and family. We cannot change, nor do we wish to change, for we are bound by the Word of God. It is our intention and conviction not only to hold, but to promote what God has revealed to be His will respecting these matters. We are confirmed in our biblical worldview.